Hi! I'm a multidisciplinary artist that focuses in printmaking, photography, and quilting. I was briefly in the Navy after highschool and after a medical discharge I enrolled at the University of Texas at San Antonio. Originally I was in the Environmental Science program but switched to Fine Arts after taking an intro art survey class. Being able to take classes for free with the GI Bill was an immense privilege that every American should be given, regardless of choice to serve in the military. After graduating with my BFA in Printmaking in May 2019 I applied to the MFA program at the University of North Texas and began in the fall of 2019. I will be graduating May 2022 with a concentration in Printmaking. When I'm not making art I love gardening and crocheting. My favorite things to grow are gourds and angel trumpets! Feel free to follow me on social media and reach out if you have any questions!
Artist Statement
My artwork uses the traditions of printmaking, photography, and fiber arts to dissect the myths, history, and current moment of American and Texan culture. My methodology starts with photographing of sites where governmental power is most present. Photography is my tool for documenting how colonialism and poor stewardship have depleted resources, killed millions, and permanently altered the land for worse. The stakes are high, and my work exposes the viewer to the covert and overt violence in these actions. Violence is a means to exert power, and in the right hands it can cause meaningful political change for the disenfranchised. Though, the most offensive actions towards bourgeois sensibilities are not the most radical elements of leftist thought. Community care and mutual aid (outside the non-profit industrial complex) are just as important in creating change. My work aims to destigmatize direct political action and encourages the viewer to reevaluate how meaningful change can be made today.
I use quilting to pull the disciplines of photography and printmaking together within a medium that is familiar and accessible. The quilt represents comfort and the basic need for rest while the content represents a call to action. Putting these uncomfortable ideas into an object known for its soothing capacities creates a paradox – how do we reconcile our need for rest and comfort as well as an accurate assessment of the current moment in the US?
The primary themes in my work tackle many causes of anxiety: our flawed retelling of colonial history, arbitrary borders, increasing unrest in the country, failure of public policy, the cancerous military industrial complex, and the degradation of the environment by capitalist forces.
Feel free to email with opportunities to show, teach, buy work, or if you need help with something :)